In 2021, the workshop had 60 registered and a peak of 40 attendees. Two full papers and two short papers were presented. Mathieu Nayrolles, researcher at Ubisoft, gave a keynote entitled “Automated Software Engineering for AAA Games”.

In 2022, the workshop had five full papers. Carl Therrien, Associate Professor in Games and Film Studies at Université de Montréal gave a keynote entitled “Videogame Histories in the Wild: a Panorama”. In 2023, because of schedule conflicts, there was a hiatus.

During these last editions of the workshop, different topics were discussed with good interaction among the attendees. With this edition, we expect to consolidate a network of game researchers, game developers, and educators, and advance the discussions on the challenges of software-engineering methods for games.

Thus, with FaSE4Games’24, we seek:

  • To bring together interested participants in a safe, interactive setting that encourages lively discussion and scholarly debates;
  • To identify and explore new challenges of applying software-engineering methods to games;
  • To generate a ``fresh’’ research agenda, identify topics of interest for the community, and how future workshop editions may explore these topics.